P-05-1031 Inhibit the diversion of Heavy Goods Vehicles through residential areas


This petition was submitted by Vivienne Blondek having collected a total of 53 signatures.


Text of Petition:                      

We call on the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to inhibit the diversion of Heavy Goods Vehicles through residential areas. These County Council adopted roads are being used as diversion routes for HGVs during Trunk Road closures and putting residents, their properties and the roads at significant risk.


Additional Information:

There has been strong evidence of residents suffering serious sleep deprivation due to HGVs passing within feet of their properties. This causes noise and vibration of the walls and doors of their homes with every large HGV passing during overnight diversions due to Trunk Road repair work. Also, there are risks to the fabrications of the properties. Short and long term sleep deprivation has significant risk to every day activities along with added risk of unhealthy increase on emissions. All this can be avoided by using better planning and strategies of contraflow systems. These roads are not built to support such heavy traffic and County Councils are continually battling to repair their roads. Residential properties, both the older and newer, were never built to withstand the level of HGVs on our roads today. Bypasses have been built to avoid residential areas and since coming into being, this calibre of traffic has increased substantially. It is no longer acceptable to consider diverting HGVs along densely populated public highways.

Senedd Constituency and Region

·         Alyn and Deeside

·         North Wales